2 responses
Hello there, I enjoy writing and came across your website, so I decided to contact you to see if you'd be interested in featuring one of my articles as a guest post. The article would be an original piece about why professional photographers are valuable assets in a variety of situations, such as weddings, home sales, and business marketing. There are many instances where a photographer can be a lifesaver! If your website accepts articles from guest writers and my idea appeals to you, please let me know, and I'll start working on it right away. Best regards, Virginia Cooper | P.S. Send me your proposal if you're interested but would rather I write on a subject of your choosing! Please let me know if there isn't any interest. I won't email you once again.
Hello, and I hope you’re having a great day! I’m reaching out to you today with the hopes of writing a fun article for your website about preparing your home for a wedding. A wedding is such a momentous occasion that you’d like it to be well-planned and memorable. Even if the wedding is not held at home, the space will inevitably be used as a staging area, meeting place, and/or guest quarters throughout the wedding preparations. My article will cover various aspects such as preparing for the arrival of guests, cleaning techniques, optimizing small spaces, and more. I’ll do my best to make it an entertaining piece that your readers will love. Your thoughts? :) Kelsey Taylor Website: P.S. Don’t like the above article suggestion? Please let me send you some alternate topic suggestions or don’t hesitate to let me know a topic of your choice. Don't want further emails from me? Please reply and let me know!