Team Rosters for 6th Annual SwimRI "Stuffies vs Steamers" Dual Meet - Nov 18th

Our 6th Annual SwimRI "Stuffies vs Steamers" Dual Meet will take place this Saturday, November 18th, at Providence College's Taylor Natatorium in Providence, R.I. Warm-up is at 3:00 p.m. The meet runs from 3:30 to ~5:30. Spectators and hecklers welcome!

This event is a high-school-style dual meet where each of the swimmers listed below races in 1-2 individual events and 1-2 relays. Team lineups and meet sheets are determined by the captains -- Doug Sayles for Stuffies and Trent Theroux for Steamers. In each of the prior encounters, the last relay determined the victorious team. The series stands at 3-2 in the Stuffies favor.

Order of events:
200 Medley Relay (4 x 50), 200 Free, 200 IM, 50 Free, 200 Free Relay (4 x 50), 800 Free Relay (4 x 8 x 25), BREAK, 100 Fly, 100 Free, 400 Free, 100 Back, 100 Breast, Surprise Relay.

The meet sheet will be posted on deck on Saturday. Almost all of the events are coed -- one event will have separate men's and women's heats -- and there are a couple of other twists, including the final "fun" relay.

Team Party/Dinner:
By tradition, the losing team buys the first round for the winners after the meet at Ladder 133 Sports Bar & Grill, 133 Douglas Avenue, Providence. Most people stay for dinner and some bring family/guests.

Swimmers, if you have not already done so, please email if you are bringing family/guests to dinner or if you are not staying for dinner.

Meet Roster: $20 per person payable at check-in

Stuffies Steamers
Matthew Alford Jessica Ackerman
Robert Allen George Alexandre
Angelina Bonin Alana  Aubin
Eric Burtchell Joe Bevilacqua
Mathew Card Erin Briskie
Sara Dinardo Stefanie Carter
Kaan Duru Stephanie Cotsonas
Majed Elturkmani Chris Dockray
Alford Green  Chris Doppke
Bart Grimes Paul Dow
Derek Jakoboski Lori Geisler
Carolyn KielyKilpatrick Matthew Gilson
Rosanne Leith Alford Neil Greenspan
Diane Leith-Doucett Stephen Imbusch
Donna Neuendorf Jill Lancaster
Bruce Novis Brian McKenna
Alexis Santoro Seann Mulcahy
Douglas Sayles Keri Nappi
Jillian Schneider Elliot Silva
Rob Torgerson Trent Theroux
Elizabeth Welch Connor Wallace
Kaitlin Wilcoxen Stephanie Winslow