POSTPONED: SwimRI vs Granite State Penguins Virtual Time Trials Smackdown

In light of pool and school closings, the national state of emergency and increasingly rigorous public health precautionary measures surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, the GSP-SWMR virtual dual meet is postponed until further notice.

SwimRI Members & Friends!

In lieu of the canceled New England LMSC Short Course Yards Championship Meet, the Granite State Penguins have challenged SwimRI to a virtual dual meet consisting of time trials at our respective pools. We accept this challenge (assuming our pools remain open)!

GSP-SWMR time trials shall take place Saturday, March 14 through Sunday, March 22. During this nine-day period, we ask our coaches and group organizers to offer time trials at Masters workouts in any manner they choose – a dedicated time trials practice, a set or two off the blocks, or a few timed reps here and there during next week’s practices.

Swimmers may also do timed events on their own (with a timer), including as few or as many events as they please in accordance with the event guidelines and limits described below.

This event is informal and unsanctioned. There are no officials. The times will not count for USMS purposes, but will for our team points competition and bragging rights. In these respects, have fun and amuse yourselves via friendly competition and good-natured banter.

SWMR has more USMS-registered swimmers than GSP. However, I’m told that GSP relishes its David vs Goliath role and plans to go all out to beat us, to which I say bring it on.

We’re accepting GSP swimmers into our SwimRI Facebook Group, so let the trash talk begin!

WHAT:  SwimRI vs Granite State Penguins Virtual Time Trials Smackdown

WHERE:  At any Masters practice or on your own in any 25y or 25m pool. Click to view local practice locations and schedules.

WHEN:  From Saturday, March 14, through Sunday, March 22, 2020

WHO:   Anyone who is or becomes a USMS member affiliated with NEM-SWMR or NEM-GSP by March 22. Click to join USMS or renew your membership.

EVENTS:  Any scoring events offered at the canceled NELMSC SCY Championships

  • Click to view the complete event list

  • Max of 12 individual event per swimmer (no per-day limit)

    • Up to 10 events from the Harvard Meet’s March 21-22 event list
    • 500y freestyle
    • Either the 1000y or 1650y freestyle

  • Max of 4 relay events per swimmer (no per-day limit)

    • 200y FR, 200y MR, 400 FR, 400 MR
    • A swimmer may only compete in the men’s or women’s or mixed relay -- e.g., you cannot swim in both the men’s and mixed 200y free relay
    • All mixed relays must consist of two women and two men


  • Times should be submitted that day or the next day – e.g., if you swim a timed 100y backstroke time trial on March 15th please submit that time by the 16th

  • Swimmers or coaches may submit multiple entries over multiple days

  • All entries must be received by 11:59pm, Sunday, March 22

  • GSP members shall submit times promptly to

  • SWMR members shall submit times promptly to

  • Emailed entries must include the following data:

  • Any times submitted without tenths or hundredths of a second will be completed with .99 or .X9

SCORING:  All events will follow the scoring system used at the NELMSC SCY Championships, up to 16 places per age group. Click here for scoring details.

RESULTS:  Mindy will promptly compile all submitted times and points by age group in Hy-Tek and provide to Doug for posting on the SwimRI website in PDF form.

  • Interim results will be updated online every one or two days assuming there are a sufficient number of entries to warrant regular updates
  • Swimmers from both teams are encouraged to monitor the interim results and to try and outscore each other

STAKES:  Bragging rights, and a potential wager involving beer


If you feel sick do not attend any practices anywhere. People at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 should consult a doctor before attending. Everyone should closely read this public health information and act accordingly:

In light of the cancellation of the Harvard meet and other large events in New England and across the country, there are legitimate questions surrounding all group gatherings of any size right now. However, the CDC deems chlorinated pool water safe (although the surrounding facilities are another matter), swim practices are generally limited to 5 to 30 people at a time, and many swimmers want to continue exercising as long as practices are still being offered.

It is in this context that we hope this virtual meet will add a bit of fun to help combat the current environment’s uncertainty and anxiety.

Good luck everyone. Be safe and go SwimRI!
